Monday, February 11, 2008

Talking Points #1

I chose to do my talking points post on the article "Amazing Grace" by Jonathan Kozol and "100 People who are screwing up America" by Bernard Goldberg.

Premise on Article #1
  • racism exists still
  • people do not want to help the poor people, just move them away from civilization
  • poor people can work as hard as they want but sometimes they can not get out of poverty
  • Rich people overpower poor and make them poorer and live in horrible conditions
  • living conditons
  • AIDS
  • dying and sick

Premise on Article #2

  • People in America are beginning to hate it , whether they be black,white, rich, or poor.
  • authority still exists and people need to be skeptical of it
  • Some people do not know how to deal with authority

Author's Arugment #1

Kozol argues that the rich and powerful in New York City rather just move the poor around and keep them away from society instead of dealing with the problem of poverty and sickness and properly educating them.

Author's Argument #2

Goldberg argues that people living in America are not being taught proper values of the country and do not see the true America because they are only taught certain information.


  1. Kozol is exposed to the extreme poverty in the South Bronx when Ms. Washington refuses to go to the hospital because they are so understaffed that they make her wait in the emergency room for two days.
  2. Kozol recognizes sickness and AIDS as being a huge problem in the Bronx when he learns that there are 27 people in Ms. Washington's building alone that are infected with AIDS.
  3. Kozol is exposed to the feeling of the rich and the city just moving all of the unwanted to the Bronx when there is trash all over the place because people don't care to throw it away in the dump and there is a waste incinerator close to the buildings because no one else wanted it near their town.

Evidence #2

1. Goldberg sees that children in school systems are being taught by teachers that trash American and its values as part of their course.

2. He realizes that kids are only taught what the people in the history books decide to write, not the real truth of what happens sometimes.

3. He makes a point to question authority because they not always be right, and students should question their teachers if they do not agree or understand a matter.


I was completely in shock when reading the piece by Kozol. I did not know people were forced to live like that in the Bronx, it was not only disgusting but sad. And as sad as it is, there is nothing anyone can do to help them because there is just so many of them. It was easy and interesting to read but it was very personal when reading it. I just don't understand how the people living in those conditions make it through every day life. The Goldberg article was very realistic. The teachers in America are only teach what the text books tell them whether that is right or not. The text book and the teachers may not always be accurate and correct and kids should not be afraid to ask them questions.

1 comment:

Dr. Lesley Bogad said...

I really like how you separate out the two articles to show that you can see how different they are. you capture Kozol's main points well and choose clear evidence to support then!

LB :)